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  1. Snoring

    Have you wondered why you snore or if snoring is a sign of a health problem? Learn about the causes of snoring, associated conditions, and treatment options....

  2. How to Stop Snoring

    Looking for the facts about snoring? Learn why people snore and find out how both changing everyday habits and medical treatments can help stop snoring quickly....

  3. Is Snoring Harmless?

    Worried that snoring might negatively affect your health? We discuss when you should talk to a doctor and steps you can take to reduce snoring....

  4. Is it Snoring or Sleep Apnea?

    Snoring is common in people with sleep apnea, but not all people with sleep apnea snore. Learn about snoring and signs that it could be related to sleep apnea....

  5. Common Causes of Snoring

    Snoring is a common sound produced while sleeping. Learn more about why we snore and when it may be a sign of a medical condition....

  6. Mouth Exercises to Stop Snoring

    Are you concerned about snoring? Explore a variety of snoring exercises for the mouth, tongue, and throat that can improve or stop nighttime snoring....

  7. What Causes Snoring During Pregnancy?

    Physical changes during pregnancy often cause snoring. Learn about snoring in pregnancy including what causes it, whether it’s dangerous, and how to reduce it....

  8. Snoring in Children

    Snoring is a common condition in children of all ages. Learn when to be concerned about snoring and how doctors treat nighttime breathing issues in children....

  9. What Causes Snoring in Women?

    Snoring can be a frustrating symptom for women and their bed partners. Learn about common causes of snoring in women and how to find relief....

  10. Mouth Taping for Sleep

    Wondering whether mouth taping might help you stop snoring? Learn about mouth taping for snoring, whether it’s safe, and other ways to reduce snoring....